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MOMally Baby Sleep Class

MOMally’s VIrtual Baby Sleep Class

is a comprehensive and engaging baby sleep class designed to empower parents with the knowledge and techniques to help their little ones establish healthy sleep patterns. Led by Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant, Andrea Scannell,, this class provides a nurturing and supportive environment where parents can learn practical strategies to promote better sleep for their babies.

topics covered in the MOMally Baby Sleep Class include:

1. Understanding infant and baby sleep: Parents will learn how sleep evolves as babies grow. By understanding the natural sleep rhythms, parents can align their routines accordingly and optimize their baby's sleep.

2. Creating a sleep-friendly environment: From setting up a soothing nursery to managing lighting, temperature, and noise, parents will discover practical ways to create an ideal sleep environment that promotes relaxation and better sleep quality.

3. Establishing healthy sleep habits: Participants will learn techniques to establish consistent sleep routines, including bedtime rituals, nap schedules, and effective soothing methods. These strategies will help babies develop positive associations with sleep and encourage self-soothing skills.

4. Addressing common sleep challenges: The class will address common sleep difficulties such as night awakenings, bedtime resistance, and nap transitions. Parents will learn troubleshooting tips and practical solutions to overcome these challenges and promote better sleep for both baby and themselves.

This class will focus on baby’s sleep from the newborn stage until early toddlerhood.  By the end of the MOMally Baby Sleep Class, parents will feel equipped with the knowledge, tools, and confidence to establish healthy sleep habits for their babies, leading to more restful nights and a happier, well-rested family.

Note: MOMally Baby Sleep Class class is designed for informational purposes only and does not replace medical advice. Parents are encouraged to consult with their pediatricians or sleep specialists for individualized guidance.

 sign up here

August 14

MOMally Baby Sleep Class

February 15

New Parent Support Group